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Terms and Conditions

By using FilesZero, you agree to the following terms. Please read them carefully.

  1. Free-to-Use Tools

FilesZero provides free tools without requiring registration or payment.

There are no hidden charges or limitations.

  1. Temporary File Usage

All uploaded files are automatically deleted after processing.

We do not provide long-term storage for any data.

  1. User Responsibility

You must not upload any illegal, copyrighted, or harmful content.

FilesZero is not responsible for any misuse of the tools.

  1. Service Availability

We may modify, update, or discontinue any tool at any time without prior notice.

We do not guarantee 100% uptime or uninterrupted service.

  1. No Liability

We are not responsible for any data loss, errors, or consequences arising from the use of our tools.

You use FilesZero at your own risk.

  1. Changes to Terms

These terms may be updated as needed. Any changes will be reflected on this page.

By continuing to use FilesZero, you accept these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree, please discontinue using the website.